Short post

Hey y’all!

It’s kind of late but I said that I would post by today! This post is gonna be a little short. Just because I’ve been busy all day and I still have to do my homework 🙃.

So I don’t know if y’all are fans of the Impractical Jokers but I am lol. My boyfriend and I went and saw it this past Friday and it was pretty good. A little different than I expected but it was funny. There’s a couple scenes that were better than the rest but honestly I reccomend going to see the movie if you’re fans of them.

We also went and saw Birds of Prey on Valentines day. And I have to say it was SO good. I’m not a big fan of most DC movies, I’m Marvel all the way. But this movie was funny, had a lot of action and Bruce is SO CUTE. It’s definitely a powerful woman film. Also, the girl the plays the Black Canary is the little girl from Full House that was Michelle’s friend. The one who’s Uncle or whatever was Lionel Ritchie. There’s some things I think that they could have set up a little differently. Like the Black Canary’s story. I liked what they did, but if you don’t know who she is from comic books then you have no idea that her voice is her weapon so that comes out pretty unexpectedly. But overall, I really enjoyed the movie. I would also reccomend going to see this movie.

Now I’m going to write a scene for my class tomorrow. But my mom gave me an idea that I think will be pretty easy to write because it’ssomething I know and went through. But I’ll have to change some things because it’s suppose to be fiction.

Last thing, I got this can of Pepsi zero Wild Cherry that I’m about to try but the can is sweet lol. It’s like matte black and matte red. Pretty cool.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

I’m so bad at this

Hey everyone,

Hope you’re all doing well. I haven’t wrote a blog post in like half a year 🙃. I’m so bad at keeping up. But I’m going to really try to keep up this time. I’m giving myself deadlines. I’m gonna start with weekly deadlines since I have work and homework and stuff for my FINAL semester in my undergrad! But it’s not a crazy amount so I should still be able to do blog posts! Expect a post every Saturday/ Sunday(: if you have any suggestions on what topics I should write about, let me know. I do have some ideas. Some will be reviews on movies, books, some may be rants, some story ideas or parts of stories I’m writing. But I’m really open to about everything 😁. I do plan on making another post by Sunday this weekend to get into it again.

Thanks for reading (:

Have a wonderful day!

Never writing

Hey y’all,

I said I was gonna write like every other day and I haven’t wrote in literally 2 months 🤦‍♀️. There’s something wrong with me. Lol. Writing always helps me chill out. And sometimes I should really do that. Ugh. So I haven’t wrote since I saw Endgame so one of those posts are definitely coming soon! And a post on a new story that I’m writing! I really love the idea to be honest with you.

I’m planning on writing another post later. This was just an update. I’m gonna set up some kind of schedule in order to keep posting or writing every day. I’m thinking maybe 30 minutes every day for my story. And maybe writing a post any time I think of something to write a post about. I don’t know.

I’ll be posting again later tonight! Stay tuned!

Have a great day/ evening/ night (:

Becoming a Phoenix

Hello all,

I realized that I have failed at posting every other day. And I’ve decided that I will post more than I have been once this semester is over! Only because I have like 3 papers due all that need to be 10 to 15 pages. Which actually is going to be pretty easy I think. Except for my research paper just because those always take me longer to write than fiction which is what my other two papers are. One of my papers, I decided to write the second chapter of my story, or at least part of the chapter. I actually wanted to share to you guys the one part that is the main focus of the chapter to see if you had any suggestions on how to revise it, if you think it needs revised or not.

So I began the chapter with the next day from chapter one. Which I’m not turning that in with it but I think it’s pretty understandable to whom everyone is ans stuff. But It leads to a dinner with Josey and Jason and Jasper. Josey is the main girl, also whose point of view the story is in. Jasper is the older brother of Jason, an elementary school buy from the homework group Josey volunteers with and she is going to watch him afterward because Jasper can’t get off work in time to pick him up. So they are having dinner, because Jasper doesn’t really know Josey he’s only met her the day before. So he picks her up at her apartment but her car is making a weird noise. And Jasper is a mechanic, so he looks at it. They decide to stop at his work before dinner to get a tool he would need to fix it for her. And when they get to the shop, something goes wrong. But also right? Here’s the paragraph I have that I began with to start this chapter.

We stopped at Jasper’s work before going to eat because he was going to help me fix my car but the tool he needed was here. He told me to watch out for the cords on the ground. Jason seemed like he knew his way around the place pretty well. Which makes sense considering he’s probably been here many many times. We got to Jasper’s tool box and he started looking for what we were going to need. I was looking up at some of the cars they were working on when I heard a door slam. I jumped in front of Jasone, turning around. But before I knew it Jasper was in front of me. Aw, so cute. He’s protective. This is not the time to be thinking about how cute he is. What is wrong with me. Looking ahead, I saw a man pointing a gun at us. My first instinct was to do whatever I could to protect Jason. I immediately began looking for something I could use as a weapon. There was a lot considering there was all of the tools lying around an auto body shop, especially being close to a tool box. Before I could choose what tool to grab, I felt my body begin to heat up. Looking down, I saw an orange tint to my skin. Fire began illuminating from my body. What is happening to me. I could tell no one else could see what was going on. I was so angry, I didn’t really care what was actually happening to me, I just let it happen. My entire body engulfed in flames and I watched it turn to fire, into a Phoenix. I’ve always had a slight obsession with them, how one becomes one, but I’ve never turned into one. I stared at the intruder as a bird. Glaring, I met his eyes. I watched him drop the gun. I watched his expression change, into something…. It almost looked as if he looked at the bird with confusion but recognition? He took off out the door. Changing back into my normal body, I was met with stares from Jasper and Jason. We were all thinking the same thing. What just happened? “

So yeah, that’s my idea so far. Let me know what you think. Do you think it should be as early in the book as chapter 2? It’s only in chapter 2 right now because I needed to write a chapter for my class and my first chapter is almost complete but not yet. I also don’t want the book to be a slow starting book, ya know? So yeah, please tell me what you think!!

I plan on writing again soon. But again, I have three papers due, two exams, and of course Endgame. Which I am so excited for!!! It’s going to be so good. I can’t wait. It’s sad that it’s the end, but still exciting because the end is the beginning of something else.

Thank you! Have a great day/ night! 😊😊

Let’s get started

Hey y’all!

As promised I am committed to doing this blog in the hopes of getting my writing out there and making some new friends! I posted a poll on my Instagram account of what my first blog back should be. The conclusion is about some story ideas! Which I’m really excited about because I have a few ideas and I think this could help me a lot. Y’all’s feedback will be great and and criticism is welcomed! Also if you wanna follow my Instagram it’s @Nerd_Words_Blog. Anyway, I’m going to talk about a few different ideas I have to write about and y’all can let me know if you think it would be a good idea or not and let me know of any suggestions!

So the first idea, I always come back to. I began writing a story when I was in seventh grade I believe. It was set in present day. It was about a group of regular high school students that are in a mythology class. A few new kids start at the school all on the same day. And they are all related some way or another, cousins, siblings, step- siblings, etc. Well, things start to get a little weird around the school after they arrive. The main new guy, Leo, he doesn’t seem to fit in with his relatives. He seems, better but he is still mysterious. On his first day, he is invited to sit with the main girl, Josie, and her best friends and brother. Basically joining their group that day. What they don’t know about Leo is that he is the son of a very powerful God, and Josie (without knowing) is the daughter of a Goddess. Their destiny is to be together and to defeat the dark side, but so many things get in the way, it is unlikely to happen. I have thought of a bunch of different things that could happen between then and the main event. Including an assembly that gets canceled, meeting the parents and other things. The climax is going to be the big battle between the “good” side and the “bad” side. I just haven’t decided if the battle will be an actual battle, or something else. But yeah that is the first idea for a story because I’ve been thinking about it for like nine years.


My next idea is a paranormal, romance kind of story. It’s about a girl in college, she’s on the dance team and she is in a program where she helps out kids in elementary school with their homework. She ends up becoming very important to one of the kids in her group and when he is in need of some help to stay in the homework program. Eventually learning of how the kid, Jason by the way, how his home life is she ends up meeting his brother. He is very thankful for the help she does. They all end up getting close, however the brother and the girl do not date. They end up getting in a dangerous situation and the girl winds up turning into a Phoenix to protect the two. She had no idea and must ask her parents and brothers. Of course a lot goes into the relationship between the girl and the boy and the kid as well. I’ve started this story and am on page nine but I have been busy doing school work I haven’t made myself make time to write it.

I have started both stories but I haven’t decided which one I should run with for now. I’m hoping some feedback from y’all would give me a little push in one direction or the other. I appreciate every single person that reads this. Or just views it. I appreciate everyone. If y’all wanna give me some feedback leave a comment, or DM me on insta, and if you like the post let me know by liking it :).

Also, I want to have some of my posts be sections of my stories or some short stories that I write. I’m going to write about other stuff as well. Marvel and books that I read and new movies out and my Funko pops of course, probably my dogs too if I’m being honest, lol. And I am always open to suggestions on what to write about. But yeah, I hope you liked the post! 🙂

Have a wonderful day and/ or night!

So long

Hey ya’ll,

It has been so long since I made a post. I feel like I completely abandoned this blog after barely starting it. I’m going to try to write a post every other day. If I can decide what to write about that is. Lol. But I wanted to make a post just showing that I do realize I abandoned my blog :(. But I want to come back to it! I am committed to it this time. If you have anything you want me to write about leave a comment, or just if you enjoy it. Let me know!

Anyway, I will post a real blog tomorrow!

Sorry again!



Ralph Breaks the Internet

Hey all!

I know it’s been forever since I’ve been on here but honestly this semester with school has been crazy. Luckily we’re in the last week and finals are next week, so hopefully I’ll be posting more! Also, my boyfriend and I both turned 21 in the last week so of course we had to celebrate!

So my best friend came home from Florida for a bit last week and we decided to go see Ralph Breaks the Internet. I was already so excited to see this movie and excited to hangout with my best friend that I hadn’t seen in what seemed like forever! Lol. We had an interesting experience to say the least.

We went to Regal after I got out of a meeting with my professor. We got there about 5-10 minutes before the movie was suppose to start and it was before they would have gotten busy so we had plenty of time to get popcorn and icee’s. BUT the girl took so long to get us our stuff and we saw there was another movie starting about 10 minutes later and we had been at the concession so long we would have missed the previews (the previews are part of the experience!). Anyway, we decide to go to the later one and all through the previews no one else showed up, so we joked that it would be funny if the movie just shut off. So the movie started and we sat there for a while. Then about 15 minutes into the movie the sound cuts out and then the screen blacked out! It was so funny, eventually my friend went and talked to them and they started the movie back up.

It was kinda creepy though, cause I was in a theater where the screen and lights were off by myself while she went and talked to them… anyway.

The movie was really great. I won’t say any spoilers or anything. But the way they incorporated everything Disney wise and internet wish was really cool. All the graphics were cool too. Stan Lee’s cameo wasn’t anything special but it was so great seeing it. It was a great movie, I would definitely give it a 10/10. I also plan on buying it once it comes out!

Hope ya’ll are doing well,

Happy Holidays!

P.s. I recently started a funko pop mystery box business. You get 3 pops for $30. There’s an exclusive in every box! And a chance of a chase! If you’re interested they’re on

P.p.s. I’m twenty-one and that’s really exciting! Went to the casino, won a little bit!